Monday, April 12, 2010

Love it or Leave it?

In response to Chelsea's blog question: Do you think that forcing our children to take art classes (as many elementary and high schools do) creates in them an appreciation of art, or does it cause them to resent it?
I think that appreciation of art stems from how you experience it. If you are in uncomfortable circumstances then your mind will relate art to those circumstances and not be as fond of it. For example; You are in a class room with a teacher that is absolutely unbearable and she teaches art. She screams at you constantly for messing up the assignments when all you want to do is learn. For most people, this experience would put them off from art. Basically I'm saying that in the context of school, liking art depends on the teacher you have. If you have a bad teacher, chances are you will grow up to dislike creating art.
I think in many cases, as long as the teacher has the willingness to teach the students and help in whatever way they can, the subject in question would be more enjoyable. Given that the teacher themselves know enough on the matter to teach it. I feel that way about a lot of things. In high school, I hated history because I didn't get along with the teacher. Then i got a different teacher who knew more and had more enthusiasm on the subject and now I love history.
Question; Do you agree that having a good teacher makes the subject more enjoyable?