Monday, April 12, 2010

My dreams

In response to Yvonne's post on dreams. I like to have dreams because my dreams are always really elaborate and i have them almost every time I close my eyes. I personally believe that my dreams are nothing more then an extension of my imagination and that when i go to sleep my head just wants to tell me a good story. I need to be entertained while I'm sleeping so my body creates images solely based on the fact that I need something to look at while i sleep. I feel like without my dreams i wouldn't sleep as well. Sometimes how I feel during the day effects my dreams at night. Like if i just watched a scary movie and went to bed, i have nightmares. If i have a homework assignment due or something else i need to get done, I get it done in my dream. I never really analyze my dreams though. I don't want to take away from the feeling I get when i have them by further understanding them, if they even have meaning. Right now, I am happy with just having them and feeling content.
question: in what cases is it good to over analyze something and in what cases isn't it?