Sunday, May 2, 2010

No more gym class?

One day in class, we talked briefly about gym classes and the presidential fitness tests and stuff that you had to pass in order to graduate. I thought that was really interesting and I wanted to talk more about it. It bothers me that people don't have to exercise as much as they used to. Here is what bothers me the most. When I was a little girl, I didn't have a lot of toys and things to maintain my attention, so I would play outside. I remember more then anything that all the neighborhood kids would drop everything to go outside and play too. Where I lived, you went home from school, got your homework done as fast as you could, and played outside. There are so many things to do now a days, that I feel like no one wants to go and play outside. Television and the internet have made people lazy. In gym class, everyone complains about having to walk, not even run, but walk the one mile around the track. I used to look forward to gym class. I thought it was like having extended recess. I think that more should be done to keep kids in shape in schools. They should have gym class at least 3 times a week all year. It's just healthier that way.
question: Do you think that it is better to have gym, or be done with it? Do we really need gym classes? Will our society eventually break into parts where we have the hardly active shut-ins, and the extremely active people who exercise all the time? If that did happen, Could these two groups coexist? or would Darwin's theory of evolution kick in? (you dont have to answer all the questions, I just wanted to ask all these because they were on my mind.)