Sunday, May 2, 2010

Is it worth it?

One thing I was wondering this week when we were discussing Buddhism was whether I could do parts of it and whether it would be worth it or not. Specifically, I was thinking about suffering's end with the end of desire. The chapter in the book says that to eliminate suffering you have to reach a neutral feeling. No anger, no happiness, just neutral. I do not know if it would be worth it to give up those feelings. I like to feel desire towards certain things and I think that suffering is worth it, if you gain happiness from it. For example, when I go to the gym I always have trouble reaching my goals, and I feel like I am going to pass out when I am done. That exhaustion is worth it when I am done working out, because I know I will look better and feel healthier later. I really like Buddhism In general, but I don't like some of the small ideas that are part of it. I think parts of it I already follow; I try to lead a moral life and stay positive, even though I do not know all the answers. On page 95 it says that you would have to renounce yourself and your desires to escape suffering. I really do not like that you have to renounce yourself. I like the things that make me, me. I could not imagine just sitting there and being neutral or not liking any of the things I do now.
question: Would you give up your feelings and your life if it meant no more suffering? if it changed the way you lived and thought?